Draw Enemy Health Hold L, then: Square, Circle, X, R, R, Triangle
Biker, Brown Jacket Outfit Complete Bolivia on the Medium setting in Treasure Hunt mode.
Wield Excalibur Hold L, then: Triangle, X, O, R, Triangle, R
Textureless Mode Press and hold L, Then press: R, X, O, X, Triangle, R.
Infinite SMG Ammo Hold L, then: O, Triangle, R, R, X, O
Unlock Biker, Brown Jacket Outfit Complete Bolivia on the Medium setting in Treasure Hunt mode.
Infinite Shotgun Ammo Hold L, then: R, O, Square, R, Square, X
Pistol upgrades Get a certain amount of rewards to unlock various pistol upgrades:
Unlockable | How to Unlock | Increased Accuracy | 50% of silver and bronze rewards | Increased Damage | 75% of silver and bronze rewards | Increased Magazine Capacity | 25% of silver and bronze rewards |
Infinite Assualt Rifle Ammo Hold L, then: X, O, X, R, Square, Triangle
Unlock Legend, Camo Shorts Beat Bolivia on the Hard setting in Treasure Hunter Mode.
One Shot Kill Hold L, then: Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, R, O
Infinite Grenade Launcher Hold L, then: R, Triangle, R, O, R, Square
Bulletproof Hold L, then: X, R, Triangle, R, Square, R
Silver Gallery Complete Bolivia, Croft Manor and Fiery Maze on the Easy setting in Treasure Hunt mode.
Unlock Silver Gallery Complete Bolivia, Croft Manor and Fiery Maze on the Easy setting in Treasure Hunt mode. |